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android sdk image hot spot?

I would like to know if it is possible to make a hot spot or image mapping in Android SDK. almost like you would in adobe flash or dream weaver. this information would be really helpful seeing as the buttons I got keep moving into different spots of the phone and on every device I try it on or in landscape mode all the buttons and texts is messed up. any help would be awesome. Thanks -Christian


  • Just to make sure.. you are aware that you can turn off rotation with


    in your AndroidManifest.xml file. If you want both orientations you can specify separate layouts to regain full placement control as shown here - see the yellow box on the right, 3/4 of the way down the page; google its terms for examples.

    When you say "hot spot .. like in Flash" I hear Android's Button, perhaps with an image (slice) on it. Such is easy to create in an XML layout.. google Android Button Background Image or similar.