I've built a Dice Rolling bot in Google Apps Scripts and deployed it as a manifest. Under functionality I checked both "Bot works in Rooms" and "Bot works in direct messages".
I can get the bot to respond in a DM. When I add it to a room I get the onAddToSpace() message. However I don't get a response, instead I get this message.
Not Responding: Only visible to you.
What do I need to do, to enable the bot to work in rooms?
Here is my code:
* Responds to a MESSAGE event in Hangouts Chat.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Hangouts Chat
function onMessage(event) {
var name = "";
if (event.space.type == "DM") {
name = "You";
} else {
name = event.sender.displayName;
var roll = diceRoll(event.message.text)
if (roll[1] == ''){
if (event.space.type == 'DM'){
var message = name + " rolled \"" + event.message.text + "\" and got " + roll[0];
else {
var message = name + " rolls \"" + event.message.text + "\" and gets " + roll[0];
else {
if (event.space.type == 'DM') {
var message = name + " rolled \"" + event.message.text + "\" and got " + roll[0] + ". [" + roll[1] + "]";
var message = name + " rolls \"" + event.message.text + "\" and gets " + roll[0] + ". [" + roll[1] + "]";
return { "text": message };
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
function diceRoll(message){
var fixedMessage = message.toLowerCase()
fixedMessage = fixedMessage.split('d')
var numberOfDice = parseInt(fixedMessage[0])
var sizeOfDice = parseInt(fixedMessage[1])
if (numberOfDice == 1){
return [Math.floor(getRandomInt(1, sizeOfDice)), '']
else {
var diceRolls = []
for(i=0; i<numberOfDice; i++){
diceRolls.push(Math.floor(getRandomInt(1, sizeOfDice)))
var sum = Math.floor(diceRolls.reduce(add, 0))
return [sum, diceRolls]
function test(){
* Responds to an ADDED_TO_SPACE event in Hangouts Chat.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Hangouts Chat
function onAddToSpace(event) {
var message = "";
if (event.space.type == "DM") {
message = "Thank you for adding DiceRoll to a DM, " + event.user.displayName + "!";
} else {
message = "Thank you for adding DiceRoll to " + event.space.displayName;
return { "text": message };
* Responds to a REMOVED_FROM_SPACE event in Hangouts Chat.
* @param {Object} event the event object from Hangouts Chat
function onRemoveFromSpace(event) {
console.info("Bot removed from ", event.space.name);
Ok, I figured out the not responding issue. This was because my diplayName variable was looking at event.sender.displayName and the proper path was event.message.sender.displayName! I found what was breaking by going to the Stack Driver logging located under View > Stackdriver Logging in the Google Scripts console. Hope this helps for anyone else who runs into similar issues.