I'm trying to run the following Web Deploy command:
msdeploy.exe -verb:dump -source:dirPath="C:\Deploy",wmsvc=localhost,username=<user>,password=<pass>
I have tried to run this with two users, John and Mary. John is a member of the Administrator group on the box, Mary isn't; the command works for John, but fails with a 401 for Mary.
I have the following set up:
My administration.config entry:
<rule enabled="true" providers="dirPath" actions="*" path=".*" pathType="RegularExpression">
<runAs identityType="SpecificUser" userName="AnAdministrator" password="..." />
<user name="PC\John" isRole="false" accessType="Allow" />
<user name="PC\Mary" isRole="false" accessType="Allow" />
When I add Mary to the Administrators group, the command works. But the whole point of delegation is to be able to run deployment commands as non-administrators. I'm able to run other commands (e.g. -verb:dump -source:appHostConfig="Default Web Site") fine for Mary - it's just dirPath that's not working.
WMSvc.log doesn't seem to contain any errors for the failing command - I can see the successful ones fine though. I do see the 401 for the HEAD request in the failed requests trace, but no indication as to why it's occurring...
Any pointers appreciated.
zcrar70, you are right: delegation only kicks in once a user has access to a site's scope. In your example, if you had given PC\Mary access to the site (via IIS Manager Permissions), then this would just work.
Can you explain your scenario a bit further? Are you trying to give a non-admin user permission to run specific providers on ALL sites?