I want to be able to set the @JMSlistener destination from an application.properties
my code looks like this
public class ListenerService {
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ListenerService.class);
QueueProperties queueProperties;
public ListenerService(QueueProperties queueProperties) {
this.queueProperties = queueProperties;
@JmsListener(destination = queueProperties.getQueueName() )
public void listenQueue(String requestJSON) throws JMSException {
log.info("Received " + requestJSON);
but when building I get
Error:(25, 60) java: element value must be a constant expression
You can't reference a field within the current bean, but you can reference another bean in the application context using a SpEL expression...
public class So49368515Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So49368515Application.class, args);
public ApplicationRunner runner(JmsTemplate template, Foo foo) {
return args -> template.convertAndSend(foo.getDestination(), "test");
@JmsListener(destination = "#{@foo.destination}")
public void listen(Message in) {
public Foo foo() {
return new Foo();
public class Foo {
public String getDestination() {
return "foo";
You can also use property placeholders ${...}