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FXSL Currying Function With Sequence Parameter

Taking the t:mult3 example in the FXSL's testFunc-curry.xsl file, I've changed it slightly so that the first 2 parameters are sequences. These sequences seem to loose any empty items when curried.

<xsl:function name="foo:bar" as="xs:anyAtomicType">
        <xsl:param name="headers" as="xs:string*"/>
        <xsl:param name="row" as="xs:anyAtomicType*"/>
        <xsl:param name="column" as="xs:string"/>
        <xsl:message select="$column"/>
        <xsl:message select="count($row)"/>
        <xsl:value-of select="$row[index-of($headers, $column)]"/>

This works fine when called directly, or when the first 2 paramters are curried, providing the row sequence has no empty (string) items. However if one of the row items is empty (eg think of CSV-style input where a column's value like the test_col_two below is optional. Note the headers are mandatory and taken from the the first row of the CSV):

<xsl:variable name="row" select="tokenize(.,',')"/>
<xsl:variable name="rw" select="foo:bar($headers, $row)"/>
<xsl:message select="$rw"/>
<xsl:variable name="a" select="f:apply($rw,'test_col_one')"/>
<xsl:variable name="b" select="f:apply($rw,'test_col_two')"/>
<xsl:variable name="c" select="f:apply($rw,'test_col_three')"/>
<xsl:message select="concat($a,$b,$c)"/>

If test_col_two is empty, variable b will contain the value of test_col_three, not test_col_two.

Have I misunderstood the example, or is this an issue with FXSL?

I can see that the XML output by foo:bar($headers, $row) does include empty elements representing the empty strings, so the information is at least initially captured correctly from what I see.

Full code below.

<xsl:import href="fxsl-xslt2/f/func-curry.xsl"/>
<xsl:function name="foo:bar" as="node()">
    <xsl:sequence select="document('')/*/foo:bar[1]"/>
<xsl:function name="foo:bar" as="xs:anyAtomicType">
    <xsl:param name="headers" as="xs:string*"/>
    <xsl:param name="row" as="xs:anyAtomicType*"/>
    <xsl:param name="column" as="xs:string"/>
    <xsl:message select="$column"/>
    <xsl:message select="count($row)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="$row[index-of($headers, $column)]"/>
<xsl:function name="foo:bar" as="node()">
    <xsl:param name="headers" as="xs:string*"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="f:curry(foo:bar(), 3, $headers)"/>
<xsl:function name="foo:bar" as="node()">
    <xsl:param name="headers" as="xs:string*"/>
    <xsl:param name="row" as="xs:anyAtomicType*"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="f:curry(foo:bar(), 3, $headers, $row)"/>
<xsl:template match="foo:bar" mode="f:FXSL">
    <xsl:param name="arg1" as="xs:string*"/>
    <xsl:param name="arg2" as="xs:anyAtomicType*"/>
    <xsl:param name="arg3" as="xs:string"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="foo:bar($arg1,$arg2,$arg3)"/>


  • Looking at

     <xsl:function name="int:makeArg" as="element()">
        <xsl:param name="arg1"/>
            <xsl:when test="exists($arg1[2])">
              <xsl:attribute name="s"/>
              <xsl:for-each select="$arg1">
                <e t="{f:type(.)}"><xsl:sequence select="."/></e>
              <xsl:attribute name="t" select="f:type($arg1)"/>
              <xsl:sequence select="$arg1"/>
      <xsl:function name="int:getArg">
        <xsl:param name="pargNode" as="element()*"/>
        <xsl:sequence select=
               if(not($pargNode/@t) or $pargNode/@t = 'xml:node')
                  then $pargNode/node()
                    f:apply(f:Constructor($pargNode/@t), $pargNode/node() )
              for $varg in $pargNode/e/node()
                   if(not($varg/../@t) or $varg/../@t = 'xml:node')
                      then $varg
                         f:apply(f:Constructor($varg/../@t), $varg )

    where arguments are created with int:makeArg and processed with int:getArg it seems that makeArg sets up an e element with the value of the original arg as the contents (<e t="{f:type(.)}"><xsl:sequence select="."/></e>) and then getArg expects a child node in e as it does for $varg in $pargNode/e/node(). However, if you have a sequence with empty strings inside then I think this approach swallows the empty strings as xsl:sequence select="''" with not construct any child node in the e element and then the getArg with e/node() obviously fails to find that argument. So it looks that FXSL has some flaw there, perhaps rewriting

              for $varg in $pargNode/e/node()
                   if(not($varg/../@t) or $varg/../@t = 'xml:node')
                      then $varg
                         f:apply(f:Constructor($varg/../@t), $varg )


              for $varg in $pargNode/e
                   if(not($varg/@t) or $varg/@t = 'xml:node')
                      then $varg/node()
                         f:apply(f:Constructor($varg/@t), $varg )

    suffices. Hopefully Dimitre Novatchev @DimitreNovatchev can tell you more about this as the author of the library.