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Facebook SDK upgrading from 2.5 to 2.12

Before I would have a Session fbSession; object that I would get when logging in using the FacebookFragment. And at log out from my app, in order to clean my session, I would do this.

if (PSSocialService.getInstance().fbSession != null) {

But now, there is no Session anymore. And the Login just gives me the LoginResult. So I am trying to understand, if I want to logout of my app, how can I set that?

This is my current implementation of logging in, if it helps:

 fbButton.registerCallback(psSignInFlowActivity.mCallbackManager, new FacebookCallback<LoginResult>() {
        public void onSuccess(LoginResult loginResult) {
            if (PSApplicationClass.getInstance().pref.getUserId(getActivity()) == null)
                PSUser.authenticate(getActivity(), Constants.FB,   loginResult.getAccessToken().getToken(), null, loader, backFromAuth);

        public void onCancel() {

        public void onError(FacebookException e) {
            // Handle exception


  • With the new SDK found out that this is way more easier than expected. You can simply logout of your FB session like this:
