In the typescript documentation for mapped types the following example is given:
type Proxy<T> = {
get(): T;
set(value: T): void;
type Proxify<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: Proxy<T[P]>;
function proxify<T>(o: T): Proxify<T> {
// ... wrap proxies ...
let proxyProps = proxify(props);
It is unclear to me how I would write the proxify function.
I have the following types
interface User extends BaseRecord {
readonly 'id': number;
readonly 'name'?: string;
interface FormField<T> {
readonly value: T;
readonly edited: boolean;
type WrappedInFormField<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: FormField<T[P]>;
And I need to write a function with the following signature
const wrap = <T>(o: T): WrappedInFormField<T> => {
// ...What goes here?...
wrappedUser: WrappedInFormField<User> = wrap<User>(UserIJustGotFromApi);
How can I do that?
You need to just build up the object. Typescript will offer no help in creating mapped types, you just build them up as you normally would in Javascript.
const wrap = <T>(o: T): WrappedInFormField<T> => {
// Create an empty object that we will add the properties to, assert it will be a WrappedInFormField<T> once we are done with it
let result = {} as WrappedInFormField<T>;
// Get all the keys of the original object
for(var key in Object.keys(o)) {
// Create something compatible with FormField
// You could instantiate a class, but you will not have access to the type of each property,
// you could use any instead (for example if FormField<T> is a class you could just call new FormField<any> since types are erased it will not really matter)
result[key] = {
value: o[key],
edited: false
// return the result
return result;