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How to control storyboard segue

I created a segue using storyboard which links the login button to the view which is supposed to be opened when a user logs in. My problem is i have to do a network call and show a loader when a user clicks this button. Only when login is successful thats when i want to go to the next view else it should show an alert message saying unable to login.

The problem is i cant seem to stop the storyboard sugue for me to perform necessary calls before going to the next view.

This is my code :

    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if segue.identifier == "loginSuccessSugue"{
          let spinner = self.showLoader(view: self.view)


  • use func performSegue(withIdentifier identifier: "loginSuccessSugue", sender: self) after completion of your login calls.