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Trying to get the number of Calendar Days/Workdays/Weeks within a set period

I am trying to create a script that gets the count of Business days, Calendar days and Weekdays within a set period (23rd of Previous month and 23rd of Current month).

I have the following script where I tried to use Worksheet Functions but it doesn't work, I get

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

error, what gives?

Sub DayCounts()
    Dim cYear As String
    Dim pMon As String
    Dim cpMon As String
    Dim start_date As String
    Dim end_date As String
    Dim mySh As Worksheet
    Dim wf As WorksheetFunction

    Set mySh = Sheets("prod_log_manual")

    cYear = Format(Date, yyyy) 'get year
    pMon = Format(Date - 1, mm) 'get previous month
    cMon = Format(Date, mm) 'get current month

    start_date = cYear & pMon & 24 '23th of previous month
    end_date = cYear & cMon & 23 '23rd of current month

    mySh.Range("P7") = wf.NetworkDays(start_date, end_date) 'get number of workdays in period
    mySh.Range("P8") = wf.Day(start_date, end_date) 'get number of calendar days in period
    mySh.Range("P9") = mySh.Range("P8").Value / 7 'get number of weeks within period
End Sub


  • First, correct the date collection per Vityata's response.

    You might want to use actual dates, not string concatenations.

    mySh.Range("P7") = wf.NetworkDays(dateserial(clng(cYear)+cbool(clng(pmon)=12), clng(pmon), 24), dateserial(clng(cYear), clng(cmon), 23)) 'get number of workdays in period

    NetworkDays is inclusive. Should you be using 23 for both? Shouldn't the previous be 24 or the current be 22?