I'm new to Xcode, so apologies if I'm making beginner mistakes.
Recently, I downloaded a sample project from a website
for Xcode Swift.
It has a split view controller to connect a Table View controller with a View Controller which displays the Chocolate's info.
I would like to use a Tab Bar Controller to connect the Table View Controller with the a New View Controller. I have tried to embed both of them into individual Navigation Controllers, both of which are connected to the Tab Bar Controller. I have tried to do so as shown below:
However, whenever I try to launch the app, the app will simply crash. The error message is something related to the Split View Controller, but I'm unsure of what I've done wrong.
Could someone please download the sample project from the link to the website above and try to help me create a Tab Bar between the Table View Controller and the New View Controller?
Thank you very much!
I managed to solve the problem. I added a navigation controller before the tab bar controller. I then unchecked the box "Shows navigation bar" on the new Navigation Controller so that the navigation bar would not overlap with the navigation controller attached to the Table View Controller.
Thanks to those who helped!