I am using SqlAlchemy for a database, but I have a problem when using like function in queries.
My database is SQLite.
My request is like this:
self.session.query(Value.scan).filter(Value.current_value.like("%" + search + "%"), Value.tag == Tag.tag, Tag.visible == True).distinct().all()
The column Value.current_value is a String, you can see the declaration here:
class Value(Base):
current_value = Column(String, nullable=False)
search variable is a str coming from a rapid search bar, and is case sensitive (I never call lower or upper on it).
I want to do a case sensitive search, but the results are case insensitive.
I did some research and like should be case sensitive, and ilike case insensitive, so I don't understand why it's case insensitive.
Should I choose another type for my column that has to be case sensitive?
Another strange thing is that I have the same problem when using the function contains on the same column (case insensitive result), but not when using operators like ==, !=, <, or > (case sensitive result)
Does semeone knows why it's case sensitive with operators, but not with like and contains functions?
Best regards
In SQLite, LIKE is by default case insensitive.
What I had to do is activating the case_sensitive_like pragma.
I created a class to activate the pragma like this:
class ForeignKeysListener(PoolListener):
Class to activate the pragma case_sensitive_like, that makes the
like and contains functions case sensitive
def connect(self, dbapi_con, con_record):
db_cursor = dbapi_con.execute('pragma case_sensitive_like=ON')
When you create the engine, you just have to add the listener like this:
engine = create_engine(
'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(self.folder, 'database', 'mia2.db'),