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How to use a function from injected class in Aurelia?

How to use a function from injected class in Aurelia? In my case, I'm calling a login() function (on the login page) and want to get the testMessage printed from Test Class. Unfortunately, I'm getting the following error in Chrome: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getTestMessage' of undefined".


export class Test {
    constructor() {
        this.testMessage = "test";

    getTestMessage() {
        return this.testMessage;


import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Test} from 'test';

export class LogIn { 
  constructor(test) {
    this.test = test;



  • There is nothing wrong with your code. I copied it over to a test application and it worked. The issue most likely lies in the part you didn't reveal in your question: how you are calling the login method.

    <a href="#" click.delegate="login()">Login</a>

    In my test example, the view-model injecting test and subsequent HTML view is calling the login method using click.delegate. How are you calling the method?