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Complexity where inner loop depends on outer loop

For the following pseudocode, I would like to work out the number of operations as a function in input size n before putting it into Big-O-Notation:

for i ← 1 to n do
    for j ← 3 to 3i+n do
        // operation 

So far, I think that the inner loop is equal to 3i + n - 2 operations for each iteration of the outer loop n. Yielding

n (3i + n - 2) = n^2 - 2n + 3ni

which simplifies to O(n^2).

But I'm not sure if I'm on the right track as I haven't seen any questions like this where the index of the outer loop is used in the inner loop.


  • Correct, it is in O(n^2). Even more than that, it is in Theta(n^2).


    The only thing that matters is how often // operation is getting executed. The computations for the loop itself, like the indices are all in Theta(1), so we can ignore them.

    Therefore, count how often // operation is executed. That is n * (3i + n - 2), like you said.

    However, the i changes. So you actually need to fully write it out:

    whole function

    Simplify this:


    Which clearly is in Theta(n^2).

    Formal definition proof

    You can easily show that with the formal definition. Therefore, let us call the function f. We have

    bounded from above

    so it is in O(n^2). And we have

    bounded from below

    yielding Omega(n^2). Together this means f in Theta(n^2).

    I chose the constants randomly. You could make it tighter, but you only need to find one for which it holds, so it doesn't matter.

    Limit definition proof

    Of course we could also easily show it using the limit definitions:

    limit proof

    Which is > 0 and < inf, so f in Theta(n^2) (see Wikipedia:Big-O-notation).

    The table for the results is

    • < inf is O(g)
    • > 0 is Omega(g)
    • = 0 is o(g)
    • = inf is omega(g).
    • > 0 and < inf is Theta(g)

    For the limits we used L'Hôpital's rule (see Wikipedia) which informally says:

    The limit of f/g is the same as the limit of f'/g', supposed the limit even exists.


    The analysis assumed that // operation is in Theta(1), otherwise you will need to account for its complexity too, obviously.