I have been trying to create a way to stream a youtube url (preferably audio only, although this doesn't matter too much) right from python code. I have tried numerous things but none really seem to work. So far, I am able to search for videos or playlists using youtube data api, grab the first video or playlist and pass it into pafy to get different streaming urls. Does anyone know of a way to play youtube audio/video through python without downloading the video first? I would think it is possible with a cmd line tool such as mplayer or vlc using the sub process to pop open a cmd for the cmd line and pass in the url, but I am stuck. Any help is needed. Please! Here is my following code:
import argparse
import pafy
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
def pafy_video(video_id):
url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={0}'.format(video_id)
vid = pafy.new(url)
def pafy_playlist(playlist_id)
url = "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list={0}".format(playlist_id)
playlist = pafy.get_playlist(url)
def youtube_search(options):
search_response = youtube.search().list(
q='Hello world',
videos = []
playlists = []
channels = []
for search_result in search_response.get('items', []):
if search_result['id']['kind'] == 'youtube#video':
videos.append('%s' % (search_result['id']['videoId']))
elif search_result['id']['kind'] == 'youtube#channel':
channels.append('%s' % (search_result['id']['channelId']))
elif search_result['id']['kind'] == 'youtube#playlist':
playlists.append('%s' % (search_result['id']['playlistId']))
if videos:
elif playlists:
#url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={0}'.format(videos[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--q', help='Search term', default='Google')
parser.add_argument('--max-results', help='Max results', default=3)
args = parser.parse_args()
Tldr; I would like to stream a youtube video (using the url or id) straight from python code without downloading the video first
Thank you!
according to its documentation do not list playing media directly (at least I didn't find any).
However we can use it to get correct url, and then use player such as vlc
to play directly without downloading.
You can download vlc from here
First we get correct / best URL from youtube
using pafy
import pafy
import vlc
url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMt47wvK6u0"
video = pafy.new(url)
best = video.getbest()
playurl = best.url
Over here playurl
is best URL to play.
Then we use VLC to play it.
Instance = vlc.Instance()
player = Instance.media_player_new()
Media = Instance.media_new(playurl)
This will open a window with no controls (play/pause/stop etc).
You can run these command on the repr
window or at python prompt (depending upon how you are using it)
You will need to build one accordingly using vlc commands such as
>>> player.pause() #-- to pause video
>>> player.play() #-- resume paused video. On older versions,
# this function was called resume
>>> player.stop() #-- to stop/end video