I try to create curried add proc in Crystal. How make this example to work?
semi_curry = ->(f: Proc(Int32, Int32)) { ->(a: Int32) { ->(b: Int32) { f.call(a, b) } } }
add = ->(a: Int32, b: Int32) {a + b}
p semi_curry(add).call(5).call(6)
I get error
no overload matches 'Proc(Int32, Int32)#call' with types Int32, Int32 Overloads are: - Proc(T, R)#call(*args : *T)
From the proc documentation, Proc(Int32, Int32)
is a proc that takes one Int32
and returns one Int32
. You mean to use Proc(Int32, Int32, Int32)
. Also, you need to use semi_curry.call(add).call(5).call(6)
semi_curry = ->(f: Proc(Int32, Int32, Int32)) { ->(a: Int32) { ->(b: Int32) { f.call(a, b) } } }
add = ->(a: Int32, b: Int32) {a + b}
p semi_curry.call(add).call(5).call(6)
If you're looking to curry a proc in your application, instead of as a learning exercise, you should use Proc#partial