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Hystrix/Feign to solely react on HTTP status 429

I'm using Feign from the spring-cloud-starter-feign to send requests to a defined backend. I would like to use Hystrix as a circuit-breaker but for only one type of use-case: If the backend responds with a HTTP 429: Too many requests code, my Feign client should wait exactly one hour until it contacts the real backend again. Until then, a fallback method should be executed.

How would I have to configure my Spring Boot (1.5.10) application in order to accomplish that? I see many configuration possibilities but only few examples which are - in my opinion - unfortunately not resolved around use-cases.


  • I could solve it with the following adjustments:

    Properties in application.yml:

      execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds: 10_000
      metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds: 10_000
        errorThresholdPercentage: 1
        requestVolumeThreshold: 1
        sleepWindowInMilliseconds: 3_600_000

    Code in the respective Java class:

    @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "fallbackMethod", commandKey = COMMAND_KEY)
    public void doCall(String parameter) {
        try {
        } catch (FeignException e) {
            if (e.status() == 429) {
                throw new TooManyRequestsException(e.getMessage());