I'm confused on how would i get the checkbox value so i get the "amount" and the "total" values. The computation is pretty simple. The checkbox value is 1.20 or 20%. The amount is (quantity * price) / checkbox value, if the checkbox value have a check on it. And the total value is only (quantity * price). Here's the link to my codes.
UPDATE!!! Now it's working but the problem is that it doesn't automatically calculates but i have to click outside the input field to update it.
onChange(isChecked, id){
let quantity = (<FormArray>this.myForm.controls['rows']).controls[id]['controls']['quantity'].value
let price = (<FormArray>this.myForm.controls['rows']).controls[id]['controls']['price'].value
let checkbox = (<FormArray>this.myForm.controls['rows']).controls[id]['controls']['checkbox'].value
let x = (<FormArray>this.myForm.controls['rows']).at(id);
amount: (quantity * price)/checkbox,
total: quantity * price
else {
amount: (quantity * price)/checkbox,
total: (quantity * price)/checkbox,
Sorry the delay. I you want to use a "auxiliar variable" "totals" you must
//declare the variable at first
totals:any[]=[] //totals will be like, e.g. [{total:0,amount:0},{total:10,amount:23}...]
//In patchValues
this.orders.forEach(material => {
material.materials.forEach(x => {
material_id: x.id,
material_name: x.name,
quantity: [null, Validators.required],
price: [null, Validators.required],
dis_checkbox: [true],
checkbox: [1.20]
})) //see that total and amount is NOT in the form
this.totals.push({amount:0,total:0}); //<--add this line
//And finally, we change the "setOnchange" (I commented the lines that you don't need)
const formarray=this.myForm.get('rows') as FormArray;
for (let i=0;i<formarray.length;i++)
//"total" and "amount" are simply variables
//we needn't look for the controls (not exist)
// let controlTotal=(this.myForm.get('rows') as FormArray).at(i).get('total')
// let controlAmount=(this.myForm.get('rows') as FormArray).at(i).get('amount')
let value=(val.quantity)*(val.price);
this.totals[i].total=value; //<--just update the value of the variable
// if (controlTotal.value!=value)
// controlTotal.setValue(value);
this.totals[i].amount=value; //<--idem
// if (controlAmount.value!=value)
// controlAmount.setValue(value);