I'm having trouble with adding a new SSL certificate to my webService request.
var client = new RestClient(tokenUrl);
string certif = String.Format("{0}/client.cer", CertifPath);
string key = String.Format("{0}/client.key", CertifPath);
if (File.Exists(certif) && File.Exists(key))
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(certif, key);
X509CertificateCollection collection1 = new X509CertificateCollection();
client.ClientCertificates = collection1;
I'm getting as a response : 400 no required ssl certificate was sent nginx !!!!.
In Addition : When i use PostMan Or SoapUI .I a must add a third secret key(passphrase) to be able to get response. ex :Add certificate via postman
My Question is How can i add this third parameter(secret key) in my request c# ?.
There is another way to implement certificate to my request ???
I wasted a lot of time to search for how can include three informations (Certificat.cer,certif.key and the passphrase) in one Rest call. The solution was easy: