I am new to SparkR, so please forgive if my question is very basic.
I work on databricks and try to get all unique dates of a column of a SparkDataFrame.
When I run:
uniquedays <- SparkR::distinct(df$datadate)
I get the error message:
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘distinct’ for signature ‘"Column"’
On Stack Overflow, I found out that this usually means (If I run isS4(df), it returns TRUE):
That is the type of message you will get when attempting to apply an S4 generic function to an object of a class for which no defined S4 method exists
I also tried to run
uniquedays <- SparkR::unique(df$datadate)
where I get the error message:
unique() applies only to vectors
It feels like, I am missing something basic here. Thank you for your help!
Try this:
uniquedays <- SparkR::select(df, df$datadate) %>% SparkR::distinct()