I am using indexed_search and I have the problem that the WHOLE SITE is crawled - including the navigation. So if I search for a word which is part of the main navigation all sites are displayed in the result.
I have added <--TYPO3SEARCH_begin-->
and <--TYPO3SEARCH_end-->
in my template - and these markers are included in the HTML output correctly. The markers do not surround the navigation, of course.
I am using:
Typo3: 8.7.8
tx_indexed_search 8.7.9
site_crawler 6.1.1
I have found out what cost me several hours... It's unbelievable what happened to me. I copied the <--TYPO3SEARCH_begin-->
pattern from a tutorial.
Today I looked at the code again - and now I noticed, that the pattern was not colored in green in my IDE - like all the other HTML comments. Hmmm...
Finally I found out that these are not the same:
The first line has a dash (minus) symbol which is not the standard character, but some odd UTF-8 sign. (Hex 93).
Don't know where I copied the pattern from, but that guy must have a strange kind of humor