I'm intrigued by the construction described here for determining a monad transformer from adjoint functors. Here's some code that summarizes the basic idea:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Control.Monad
newtype Three g f m a = Three { getThree :: g (m (f a)) }
class (Functor f, Functor g) => Adjoint f g where
counit :: f (g a) -> a
unit :: a -> g (f a)
instance (Adjoint f g, Monad m) => Monad (Three g f m) where
return = Three . fmap return . unit
m >>= f = Three $ fmap (>>= counit . fmap (getThree . f)) (getThree m)
instance (Adjoint f g, Monad m) => Applicative (Three g f m) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance (Adjoint f g, Monad m) => Functor (Three g f m) where
fmap = (<*>) . pure
Given that Adjoint ((,) s) ((->) s)
, Three ((->) s) ((,) s)
appears equivalent to StateT s
Very cool, but I am puzzled by a couple things:
How can we upgrade a monadic m a
into a monadic Three g f m a
? For the specific case of Three ((->) s) ((,) s)
, it's of course obvious how to do this, but it seems desirable to have a recipe that works for any Three g f
provided that Adjoint f g
. In other words, it seems like there should be an analog of lift
whose definition only requires unit
, counit
, and the return
and >>=
of the input monad. But I cannot seem to find one (I have seen a definition using sequence
, but this seems a bit like cheating since it requires f
to be Traversable
For that matter, how can we upgrade g a
into a Three g f m a
(provided Adjoint f g
)? Again, for the specific case of Three ((->) s) ((,) s)
it's obvious how to do this, but I'm wondering if there's an analog of gets
that only requires unit
, counit
, and the return
and >>=
of the input monad.
, in Benjamin Hodgson's answer, is set up as:
lift mx = let mgfx = fmap unit mx gmfx = distributeR mgfx in Three gmfx -- or lift = Three . distributeR . fmap unit
As you know, that is not the only plausible strategy we might use there:
lift mx = let gfmx = unit mx
gmfx = fmap sequenceL gfmx
in Three gmfx
-- or
lift = Three . fmap sequenceL . unit
Whence the Traversable
requirement for Edward Kmett's corresponding MonadTrans
instance originates. The question, then, becomes whether relying on that is, as you put it, "cheating". I am going to argue it is not.
We can adapt Benjamin's game plan concerning Distributive
and right adjoints and try to find whether left adjoints are Traversable
. A look at Data.Functor.Adjunction
shows we have a quite good toolbox to work with:
unabsurdL :: Adjunction f u => f Void -> Void
cozipL :: Adjunction f u => f (Either a b) -> Either (f a) (f b)
splitL :: Adjunction f u => f a -> (a, f ())
unsplitL :: Functor f => a -> f () -> f a
Edward helpfully tells us that unabsurdL
and cozipL
witness that "[a] left adjoint must be inhabited, [and that] a left adjoint must be inhabited by exactly one element", respectively. That, however, means splitL
corresponds precisely to the shape-and-contents decomposition that characterises Traversable
functors. If we add to that the fact that splitL
and unsplitL
are inverses, an implementation of sequence
follows immediately:
sequenceL :: (Adjunction f u, Functor m) => f (m a) -> m (f a)
sequenceL = (\(mx, fu) -> fmap (\x -> unsplitL x fu) mx) . splitL
(Note that no more than Functor
is demanded of m
, as expected for traversable containers that hold exactly one value.)
All that is missing at this point is verifying that both implementations of lift
are equivalent. That is not difficult, only a bit laborious. In a nutshell, the distributeR
and sequenceR
definitions here can be simplified to:
distributeR = \mgx ->
leftAdjunct (\fa -> fmap (\gx -> rightAdjunct (const gx) fa) mgx) ()
sequenceL =
rightAdjunct (\mx -> leftAdjunct (\fu -> fmap (\x -> fmap (const x) fu) mx) ())
We want to show that distributeR . fmap unit = fmap sequenceL . unit
. After a few more rounds of simplification, we get:
distributeR . fmap unit = \mgx ->
leftAdjunct (\fa -> fmap (\gx -> rightAdjunct (const (unit gx)) fa) mgx) ()
fmap sequenceL . unit = \mx ->
leftAdjunct (\fu -> fmap (\x -> fmap (const x) fu) mx) ()
We can show those are really the same thing by picking \fu -> fmap (\x -> fmap (const x) fu) mx
-- the argument to leftAdjunct
in the second right-hand side -- and slipping rightAdjunct unit = counit . fmap unit = id
into it:
\fu -> fmap (\x -> fmap (const x) fu) mx
\fu -> fmap (\x -> fmap (const x) fu) mx
\fu -> fmap (\x -> (counit . fmap unit . fmap (const x)) fu) mx
\fu -> fmap (\x -> rightAdjunct (unit . const x) fu) mx
\fu -> fmap (\x -> rightAdjunct (const (unit x)) fu) mx
-- Sans variable renaming, the same as
-- \fa -> fmap (\gx -> rightAdjunct (const (unit gx)) fa) mgx
The takeaway is that the Traversable
route towards your MonadTrans
is just as secure as the Distributive
one, and concerns about it -- including the ones mentioned by the Control.Monad.Trans.Adjoint
documentation -- should no longer trouble anyone.
P.S.: It is worth noting that the definition of lift
put forward here can be spelled as:
lift = Three . leftAdjunct sequenceL
That is, lift
is sequenceL
sent through the adjunction isomorphism. Additionally, from...
leftAdjunct sequenceL = distributeR . fmap unit
... if we apply rightAdjunct
on both sides, we get...
sequenceL = rightAdjunct (distributeR . fmap unit)
... and if we compose fmap (fmap counit)
on the left of both sides, we eventually end up with:
distributeR = leftAdjunct (fmap counit . sequenceL)
So distributeR
and sequenceL
are interdefinable.