I'm creating a chain of responsibility pipeline using System.Func<T, T>
where each function in the pipeline holds a reference to the next.
When building the pipeline, I'm unable to pass the inner function by reference as it throws a StackOverflowException due to the reassignment of the pipeline function, for example:
Func<string, Func<string, string>, string> handler1 = (s, next) => {
s = s.ToUpper();
return next.Invoke(s);
Func<string, string> pipeline = s => s;
pipeline = s => handler1.Invoke(s, pipeline);
pipeline.Invoke("hello"); // StackOverFlowException
I can work around this with a closure:
Func<string, Func<string, string>, string> handler1 = (s, next) => {
s = s.ToUpper();
return next.Invoke(s);
Func<Func<string, string>, Func<string, string>> closure =
next => s => handler1.Invoke(s, next);
Func<string, string> pipeline = s => s;
pipeline = closure.Invoke(pipeline);
However, I would like to know if there is a more efficient way to build up this chain of functions, perhaps using Expressions?
What about that? This way you can build chains of arbitrary length.
void Main()
Func<string, string> f1 = x => x.Replace("*", string.Empty);
Func<string, string> f2 = x => x.Replace("--", string.Empty);
Func<string, string> f3 = x => x.ToUpper();
//Func<string, string> pipeline = x => f3(f2(f1(x)));
Func<string, string> pipeline = Pipeline(f1, f2, f3);
pipeline.Invoke("te-*-st").Dump(); // prints "TEST"
Func<T, T> Pipeline<T>(params Func<T, T>[] functions)
Func<T, T> resultFn = x => x;
for (int i = 0; i < functions.Length; i++)
Func<T, T> f = functions[i];
Func<T, T> fPrev = resultFn;
resultFn = x => f(fPrev(x));
return resultFn;