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Creating hrefs to subdomains with localhost during development

I have several angular applications I would like to have links that go to each other.

For example in App1 I may have the following <a href="">App2</a>. This works when the application is live, but during development, this does not work as app2 is being hosted on localhost:50001.

Is there a way to setup some type of proxy that captures my subdomains and routes them to the proper localhost during development?


  • If you are using angular-cli, you can make use of the environment.ts file under /src/environments.

    You can define environment specific values in these environment files


    Example: (Production environment)

    export const environment = {
        production: true,
        api: {
            baseUrl: ""
        // some other properties if required

    And another object for for development

    environment.ts (dev environment)

    export const environment = {
        production: false,
        api: {
            baseUrl: "http://localhost:50001"
        // some other properties if required

    If you have any more environments, you can additional environment files,

    environment.stage.ts (staging environment)

    export const environment = {
        production: false,
        api: {
            baseUrl: ""
        // some other properties if required

    Then, declare them in angular-cli.json under apps property

    apps: {
        "environmentSource": "environments/environment.ts",  // this should be imported in all the components/services etc
        "environments": {
            "dev": "environments/environment.ts",
            "prod": "environments/",
            "stage": "environments/environment.stage.ts"

    To use these values anywhere else (Components, Services etc)

    import { environment } from ../environments/environment

    and then use it


    private readonly API_URL = `${environment.api.baseUrl}/foo`
    public getFoo() {
        return this._http.get(API_URL);

    NOTE: Never import a specific environment file in any of the components or services,

    for example,

    You should NEVER do this

    import { environment } from ../environments/; // NEVER do this


    When running with ng serve, use the --environment or --env option to specify the environment values and angular-cli will take care of the rest.

    ng serve --env=prod  // uses values in
    ng serve --env=stage // uses values in environment.stage.ts
    ng serve             // uses values in environment.ts

    When doing a ng build, use the --prod flag for production builds

    ng build --prod

    To build with other environments, you can use the --env option to specify the environment

    ng build --env=stage

    Hope this helps.