I am writing a game in SceneKit, and it is divided into levels. Each level uses different basic shapes (the ones that come in Xcode/SceneKit as default, found in the object library) as "obstacles" that the player must avoid. So level one has blocks as obstacles and runs at 60 FPS on iPhone 6 and a below, yet when the player plays level two, which uses Pyramids as obstacles, the FPS drops to 10. There are less than 500 nodes in each level. It runs at 60 FPS on iPhone 8. What is occurring and how can it be fixed?
Here is a youtube link that displays how they are being used in the game. It is run on an iPhone 8 Plus and has no FPS issues; however, if run on an iPhone 5s or lower the frame-rate drops very low for the first level, but not the second.
This link provides it with statistics running. WaitDrawable takes up a big portion.
Here are images of the wireframes, with and without materials.
The issue was that Physics was being called on every frame, then performing some logic. The player was hitting the floor, used to center the block, every frame. I changed the contact bit mask and all the issues went away.