According to Azure Active Directory B2C: Collecting Logs, I can collect logs on my custom policies but how do I view logs effectively? I can't make sense of anything going directly into app insights.
According to this note:
The community has developed a user journey viewer to help identity developers. It is not supported by Microsoft and made available strictly as-is. It reads from your Application Insights instance and provides a well-structure view of the user journey events. You obtain the source code and deploy it in your own solution.
I believe the app referenced in this note is: WingTipUserJourneyPlayerWebApplication, correct? (I think that is the app b/c of this
A different version of the userjourney recorder, adapted to read B2C logs in Application Insights, can be found here as part of the wingtiptoys project. See article for details:
Assuming this is the correct app, how do I configure it to read my App Insights logs?
A Word document that describes how to integrate a B2C policy with Azure Application Insights in order to log the user journey events that occur during execution of this policy and view these events in either the Azure Portal or the User Journey Player application can be downloaded from Integrating a B2C policy with Azure Application Insights.