I have kinda complex question. Let's say that I have 7 tables (20mil+ rows each) (Table1, Table2 ...) with corresponding pk (pk1, pk2, ....) (cardinality among all tables is 1:1) I want to get my final table (using hash join) as:
Create table final_table as select
from table1 t1
join table2 t2 on t1.pk1 = t2.pk2
join table2 t3 on t1.pk1 = t3.pk3
join table2 t4 on t1.pk1 = t4.pk4
join table2 t5 on t1.pk1 = t5.pk5
join table2 t6 on t1.pk1 = t6.pk6
join table2 t7 on t1.pk1 = t7.pk7
I would like to know if it would be faster to create partial tables and then final table, like this?
Create table partial_table1 as select
from table1 t1
join table2 t2 on t1.pk1 = t2.pk2
create table partial_table2 as select
t1.column1, t1.column2
from partial_table1 t1
join table3 t3 on t1.pk1 = t3.pk3
create table partial_table3 as select
t1.column1, t1.column2, t1.column3
from partial_table1 t1
join table3 t4 on t1.pk1 = t4.pk4
I know it depends on RAM (because I want to use hash join), actual server usage, etc.. I am not looking for specific answer, I am looking for some explanations why and in what situations would it be better to use partial results or why it would it be better to use all 7 joins in 1 select.
Thanks, I hope that my question is easy to understand.
In general, it is not better to create temporary tables. SQL engines have an optimization phase and this optimization phase should do well as figuring out the best query plan.
In the case of a bunch of joins, this is mostly about join order, use of indexes, and the optimal algorithm.
This is a good default attitude. Does it mean that temporary tables are never useful for performance optimization? Not at all. Here are some exceptions:
For your particular goal of using hash joins, you can use a query hint to ensure that the optimizer does what you would like. I should note that if the joins are on primary keys, then a hash join might not be the optimal algorithm.