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How to interpolate a string that was sent as an argument?

I have limited access to the filesystem, and I want to set up universal notification handler call like that: "apples" "oranges" "There were $(1) and $(2) in the basket" contents:

echo $3

And get output looking like:

"There were apples and oranges in the basket"

Is it possible and how? I'd prefer if it was a builtin sh solution. I'm actually trying to send the result string ($3) as a message to the telegram bot via curl post param, but tried to simplify the situation.


  • With some changes to your $3, we can make this work easily.

    First, let's define $1, $2, and $3:

    $ set -- "apples" "oranges" 'There were ${one} and ${two} in the basket'

    Now, let's force substitutions into $3:

    $ one=$1 two=$2 envsubst <<<"$3"
    There were apples and oranges in the basket


    1. $(1) attempts to run a command named 1 and will likely generate an error even before your script runs. Use ${var} instead.

    2. To get this method to work, we needed to rename the variables in $3.

    3. envsubst is part of the GNU gettext-base package and should be available by default of Linux distributions.

    Hat tip to Charles Duffy.

    In script form

    Consider this script:

    $ cat
    echo "$3" | one=$1 two=$2 envsubst

    We can execute the above:

    $ sh "apples" "oranges" 'There were ${one} and ${two} in the basket'
    There were apples and oranges in the basket

    As an alternative (hat tip again to Charles Duffy), we can use a here-doc:

    $ cat
    one=$1 two=$2 envsubst <<EOF

    Running this version:

    $ sh "apples" "oranges" 'There were ${one} and ${two} in the basket'
    There were apples and oranges in the basket


    The following script does not require envsubst:

    $ cat
    echo "$3" | awk '{gsub(/\$\{1\}/, a); gsub(/\$\{2\}/, b)} 1' a=$1 b=$2

    Running this script with our arguments, we find:

    $ sh "apples" "oranges" 'There were ${1} and ${2} in the basket'
    There were apples and oranges in the basket
    $ sh "apples" "oranges" 'There were ${1} and ${2} in the basket'
    There were apples and oranges in the basket