I started learning Swift few weeks ago and in one lesson (Arrays and for .. in loops) I had to make func that counts votes and gives an answer.
So I made this code thinking thats it but this error pops in -> "Type 'Bool' does not conform to protocol 'Sequence'"
here's the code:
func printResults(forIssue: String, withVotes: Bool) -> String {
positive = 0
negative = 0
for votes in withVotes {
if votes == true {
positive += 1
} else {
negative += 1
return "\(forIssue) \(positive) yes, \(negative) no"
The error pops in 4th line with 'withVotes'
There are already some arrays that got Bool type values.
Welcome to learning Swift! You've stumbled across something where the compiler is right, but as a beginner, it's not always evident on what's going on.
In this case, although it's pointing to line 4 as the problem, that's not where you need to fix it. You need to go to the source of the problem, which in this case is line 1, here...
func printResults(forIssue: String, withVotes: Bool) -> String {
Specifically withVotes: Bool
. The problem is because of the way you have it written, it's only allowing you to pass in a single boolean. By your question and the rest of your code, you clearly want to pass in several.
To do that, simply make it a bool array, like this... withVotes: [Bool]
(Note the square brackets.)
Here's your updated code with the change on line 1, not line 4. Note I also updated the signature and variable names to be more 'swifty' if you will where the focus should always be on clarity:
func getFormattedResults(for issue: String, withVotes allVotes: [Bool]) -> String {
var yesVotes = 0
var noVotes = 0
for vote in allVotes {
if vote {
yesVotes += 1
else {
noVotes += 1
return "\(issue) \(yesVotes) yes, \(noVotes) no"
Hope this explains it a little more, and again, welcome to the Swift family! :)