I've been asked to convert files from PDF to AFP and I've managed it using the IBM afp printer's driver. I was wondering if there's a way to search inside the afp file . I know I can do it on the pdf file but I've been asked to crosscheck the converted files searching inside it.
Is there a reason since a pdf file of 370kb is converted to a 11.5Mb afp file ? is it converted as an image ? (this would clarify why I couldn't search inside it)
C is the best option to you to search a string in AFP PTX records. However it depends on how are you converting your PDF to AFP. If you use IBM print dirvers it will rasterize the text. So, you'll be not able to search.
AFP Explorer is one of the best freeware tool if your request is one time. http://www.compulsivecode.com/project_afpexplorer.aspx
We use COMPART CPMCOPY and CPMILL to convert POS and PDF files into AFP. where you will have MFF filters to get the required output. However it is licensed product.