I have a problem with regex lookbehind!
here is my sample text:
href="dermatitis>" "blah blah blah >" href="lichen-planus>"
I want to match all >"
if and only if there is an href=
somewhere before it and yet there is another rule!
The href=
must be immediately before the previous Quotation mark. (for example the second &ght;
in text has an href=
before it but the href=
is not immediately before the previous Quotation mark and I dont want it to be matched) In my text, there is 3 &ght;
and I want first and 3rd one to be matched and the second one not matched based on ruled I described above.
I hope the question is explained enough! and I work on some offline text files and I can use notepad++, powershell or any other suitable engine.
Any help will be appreciated.
Notepad++ doesn't understand lookbehind, you have to use \K
href="[^"]* : search for href=" followed by 0 or more any charcater but "
\K : forget all we have seen until this position
> : literally >
(?=") : lookahead, make sure we have '"' after