I followed the laravel.com 5.6 valet installation guide
Install or update Homebrew to the latest version using brew update.
Install PHP 7.2 using Homebrew via brew install homebrew/php/php72.
3.Install Valet with Composer via composer global require laravel/valet. Make sure the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory is in your system's "PATH".
The only difference is that when I went through this, on #2 I just did brew install php72, and created a symbolic link.
I go into Sites, and create a folder called iasig-admire (i tried serving it, I'm able to see the site)
cd Sites
then do
valet park
I go to and it says "It works!"
I go to iasig-admire.test and it says
It's not because of dnsmasq. dnsmasq is running.
I updated the .test, url to .app (your-site.app instead of your-site.test):
Different browser and url is .app for testing:
Pinging fails also:
I know there are tons of these valet issues but I've checked through them and tried running through what I've found, and gotten no results. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
Ok so I found out that it was because I had an invalid path in valet. To figure this out, I typed
valet path
The .valet/Sites path was causing issues, when I went into the .valet directory and did
valet forget
The path that I'm trying to get to is now working, valet is now working correctly.