How can configure grunt-sass to also watch for changes using the underlying node-sass watch option?
I understand I can achieve the same functionality with grunt-contrib-watch to watch for changes and re-run the grunt-sass task, but that will be slower since it will recompile the whole thing instead of just compiling the changes.
Answering my own question, in case this can help anyone else:
The only way I found solving this, is using the node-sass CLI through grunt. To achieve this, install the amazing grunt-exec task and set it to run a command with the --watch
An example usage (with support for several includePath directories):
exec: {
nodeSass: {
cmd: function() {
// Include path option string built from the gruntConfig.cssFiles array.
var includeFilesOption = {
return '--include-path ' + cssFilePath;
}).join(' ');
return 'node-sass app/scss/style.scss app/generated/style.css' + includeFilesOption + ' --watch';
You will also need to install node-sass
via npm. In that case, you can simply add the following to your package.json
"scripts": {
"install": "npm install node-sass -g"