I'm struggling to define a proper mime type while trying to attach a file to a letter. I'm testing the function with png-image but eventually I'll need to attach a pdf.
test_email <- mime(
To = "mymail@yandex.ru",
From = sender_account,
Subject = "this is just a gmailr test",
body = "Can you hear me now?") %>%
attach_file(file = "health.png", type = "image/png")
And get something like this instead of file attached:
Can you hear me now? --29c4c91341434848f627ac9c696d9ed9--
What am I doing wrong?
This issue is discussed here:
If it is acceptable that the body still contains the --numbers-- string, the following solution worked for me:
msg <- "This is the message body.\n\n"
email <- mime(
To = "to@domain.com",
From = "from@domain.com",
Subject = "Important subject",
body = msg)
email <- attach_part(email, msg)
email <- attach_file(email, file = "att1.txt", type = "text/plain")
email <- attach_file(email, file = "att2.txt", type = "text/plain")
email <- attach_file(email, file = "att3.pdf", type = "application/pdf")