I have following data:
Table: PriceTable
Price Applicable1 Applicable2 Percentage
100 Yes Yes 0.10
200 Yes No 0.50
300 No Yes 0.30
500 Yes Yes 0.40
I want to calculate the Percentage of price in last column and show in the table/matrix in the power bi report.
Scenario: If both column Applicable1 and Applicable2
are equal to Yes
then calculate the percentage of price in the final column.
My try: I have taken New Column
and added following DAX:
Commission = IF( PriceTable[Applicable1] = "Yes" &&
PriceTable[Applicable2] = "Yes",
PriceTable[Price] * PriceTable[Percentage], 0)
- Which one should I use
New Column
?- If
, then how to calculate the same?
Rob Collie has an excellent blog post on "When to Use Measures vs. Calc Columns"
And Reza Rad has another good post:
Measure vs Calculated Column: The Mysterious Question? Not!
My favourite take-away from this is:
If you want to put it on rows, columns, slicers, or report filters, it MUST be a column