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Import RDF: are referenced blank nodes gonna be merged or handled separately?

When importing RDF into a triple store: Are referenced blank nodes (as object) gonna be merged or handled separately, as if they are distinct?

Example RDF to import into a triple store:

@prefix ex: <http://ex/> .
ex:foo ex:bar [
    ex:baz 42
], [
    ex:biz 24
] .

Tested with ARC2 and it assumes that these two blank nodes are the same and merges their values (ex:baz 42 and ex:biz 24).

Is that correct?

Based on the following posts, i assume this is incorrect. I would expect that two separate blank node instances are created.


  1. How to distinguish between two Blank Nodes in RDF?
  2. The difference between blank nodes and variables in SPARQL queries


  • Until someone states otherwise, i will answer my question based on the feedback of Stanislav Kralin.

    When importing data, are referenced blank nodes gonna be merged or handled separately?

    Blank nodes with different IDs have to be handled separately.