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how to stop kitchen from using *.*~ files? chefignore?

I use emacs to do my development. Emacs will make backups of edited files with a tilde ~. When I run

kitchen converge

I'm getting the following error

Recipe Compile Error in /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/lcd_haproxy/attributes/default.rb~

Notice the ~ on the end of the file.

Now if I run the following command kitchen converge will work with out error:

find ./ -name *.*\~ | xargs rm

Looking in chefignore if see the following:


That should ignore files ending with ~. Also found in the chefignore file is this explaination:

# Put files/directories that should be ignored in this file when uploading
# to a chef-server or supermarket.

So this might not be the place to stop a kitchen converge from using unwanted files.

Does anyone know how to stop kitchen from using .~ files?


  • Unfortunately Test Kitchen doesn't actually know about chefignore files (it's on our list though). What gets uploaded is mostly up to the cookbooks_files_glob setting.