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Remove timestamp from each line in zsh shell

I'm trying to remove the current timestamp from my Terminal (macOS) using ZSH. I am using oh-my-zsh & I have the theme "pure" configured.

A timestamp appears on the very right of each line in brackets and I cannot figure out how to remove it.

Example: Timestamps are highlighted in red on the right.

Update: Terminal output example, I want to remove [17:29:47] etc from each line.

❯ cd ~                                                                         [17:29:47]

❯ ls                                                                           [17:29:49]
Applications Documents    Library      Music        Projects
Desktop      Downloads    Movies       Pictures     Public

❯ ls -l                                                                        [17:29:51]
total 0
drwx------@  4 gage  staff   128 Mar  4 22:27 Applications
drwx------@  4 gage  staff   128 Mar  7 15:39 Desktop

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


  • Fixed by unsetting RPROMPT by adding unset RPROMPT to the end of my .zshrc file.