How to put functions from one object file to one special section and memory region for GCC linker? I am building one standalone application for Xilinx MPSoC A53 processor. GNU ld from Linaro 2.27 is used. Xilinx software is Xilinx SDK 2017.4. I plan to put most code into DDR and some critical functions from one file into on-chip memory. I checked ' Input Section Example' from Using_ld_the_GNU_Linker/sections.html. So I created the following linker script. The output section '.text_ocm' is added by me.
.text_ocm : {
} > psu_ocm_ram_0_MEM_0
.text : {
KEEP (*(.vectors))
} > psu_ddr_0_MEM_0
But I got error message. It seems there are two 'ocm_init'. But there is only one definition for 'ocm_init' in file 'src/ocm_init.c' my source code.
'Invoking: ARM v8 gcc linker'
aarch64-none-elf-gcc -Wl,-T -Wl,../src/lscript.ld -L../../a53a0_ddrsr_wfi_bsp/psu_cortexa53_0/lib -o "a53a0_ddrsr_wfi_step4_from_ddr.elf" ./src/ocm_init.o ./src/gic_setup.o ./src/helloworld.o ./src/platform.o ./src/timer.o -Wl,--start-group,-lxil,-lgcc,-lc,--end-group -Wl,--start-group,-lxil,-lmetal,-lgcc,-lc,--end-group -Wl,--start-group,-lxilpm,-lxil,-lgcc,-lc,--end-group
./src/ocm_init.o: In function `ocm_init':
C:\prj\mpsoc\v174\zcu102\a53a0_ddr\Debug/../src/ocm_init.c:1667: multiple definition of `ocm_init'
src/ocm_init.o:C:\prj\mpsoc\v174\zcu102\a53a0_ddr\Debug/../src/ocm_init.c:1667: first defined here
The linker cares about the leading ./
in some ways when matching file names, so either write
.text_ocm : {
} > psu_ocm_ram_0_MEM_0
in your linker script, or reference the object file as src/ocm_init.o
on your linker command line.
(It's not really intuitive why this omission causes multiple definitions, but I could reproduce your problem, and the change fixes it.)