The first instruction is at ‘0’ location in instruction memory.
lw $t0,8($t1)
add $t3,$t2,$t0
beq $t3,$t4,Label
jump Label
Suppose values of reg $t3 and reg $t4 are equal and it will jump to Label address. So, I want to ask what will the offset value of Label and what will be the address of beq instruction?
The beq
instruction is 3 instructions after Label(which has address 0000). So the beq is at 4*3 = 12 + 0000 = 0012 address.
You say $t3 == $t4, so offset says to the assembler to go 4 instructions back, so:
PCnew = (PCold + 4) + Label * 4
PCold is 0016 and Label is -4 , so PCnew equals 0000 and goes back to Label:
In instruction j Label
the Imm26 (26bits), has the address of Label divided by 4 ... so technically 0000. After jump instruction :
PCnew = (Label*4) = (0000)*4 = 0000