I was practicing to write into a file using c#
my code is not working (writing in file is not done)
int T, N; //T = testCase , N = number of dice in any Test
int index = 0, straight;
List<string> nDiceFaceValues = new List<string>(); //List for Dice Faces
string line = null; //string to read line from file
string[] lineValues = {}; //array of string to split string line values
string InputFilePath = @ "E:\Visual Studio 2017\CodeJam_Dice Straight\A-small-practice.in"; //path of input file
string OuputFilePath = @
"E:\Visual Studio 2017\CodeJam_Dice Straight\A-small-practice.out"; //path of otput file
StreamReader InputFile = new StreamReader(InputFilePath);
StreamWriter Outputfile = new StreamWriter(OuputFilePath);
T = Int32.Parse(InputFile.ReadLine()); //test cases input
Console.WriteLine("Test Cases : {0}", T);
while (index < T) {
N = Int32.Parse(InputFile.ReadLine());
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
line = InputFile.ReadLine();
lineValues = line.Split(' ');
foreach(string j in lineValues)
straight = ArrangeDiceINStraight(nDiceFaceValues);
Console.WriteLine("case: {0} , {1}", ++index, straight);
Outputfile.WriteLine("case: {0} , {1}", index, straight);
what is wrong with this code?
how I fix it?
why its not working??
Note: I want to write in file line by line
What's missing is: closing things down - flushing the buffers, etc:
using(var outputfile = new StreamWriter(ouputFilePath)) {
outputfile.WriteLine("case: {0} , {1}", index, straight);
However, if you're going to do that for every line, File.AppendText
may be more convenient.
In particular, note that new StreamWriter
will be overwriting by default, so you'd also need to account for that:
using(var outputfile = new StreamWriter(ouputFilePathm, true)) {
outputfile.WriteLine("case: {0} , {1}", index, straight);
the true
here is for append
If you have opened a file for concurrent read/write, you could also try just adding outputfile.Flush();
, but... it isn't guaranteed to do anything.