I have a dataframe that has 'id' column in it among 14 other columns.
df =
id column2
123 adfa
455 adfadf
I need to take each of the ids in the 'id' column and iteratively pass them into an API url, and store the result of the API output, ideally in a list.
The API URL looks like this:
r = requests.get(https://URL/v1/orders/{id}, headers = headers)
Each of the ids from the above df need to be passed into {id}
and the result needs to be stored in the list []
I dont how to do this.
Thank you in advance.
Just use:
["https://URL/v1/orders/{id}".format(id=id) for id in df.id]
For OP's edit:
for id in df.id:
r = requests.get("https://URL/v1/orders/{id}".format(id=id), headers = headers)