I am extracting data from the XML . In that i have two duplicate tag with different values . So how can i get this data in different columns ?
So , i want to get those values in different columns . How can i achieve this ? Any help would be appreciated.
The difficult part is to make kettle to understand in which column to put the result.
panel, define the Loop XPath
as being "/table/tr". That will make the PDI to produce on row per tag.Field
panel, define a first column named "col1" with XPath
as "td[1]", and a second column named "col2" with XPath
"td[2]".If the column number is dynamic, you need metadata injection.
For your info, the repeat
checkbox is not to repeat a field, it is to instruct for Kettle to pick the value of the previous row in case a field is missing on a row.