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Correctly matching files with a specific word in vim

I'm using the following syntax to match files with *Log in the file name and force log highlighting syntax (which is available here):

au BufRead,BufNewFile *Log setlocal syntax=log

I would like to expand this expression to capture all possible variations including someNamelog, some_name_LoG, some_session_log_some_date, some_session_log121231 and so on. In practice, I would like to capture all instances of the word log irrespectively of case. Initially, I've tried using:

au BufRead,BufNewFile *(l|L)og setlocal syntax=log

to capture log and Log but this does not work. Is there any way to do it that would not require multiple au BufRead,BufNewFile calls?


  • You can use globbing, like in your shell:

    autocmd! BufRead,BufNewFile *{log,Log,lOg,loG,LOG}* setlocal syntax=log

    (I'll leave the rest of the list up to you)

    See :help file-pattern.