I have the following chunk of code copied from Mojolicious (mojo/log.t).
The application which I am testing does $app->log->warn('whatever');
Unfortunately when I run the test as part of make test
, STDERR happens to be empty. When I run it with prove -lv t/basic.t
it succeeds. What's wrong with my program. Full source code of the tested program is here
Thank you!
my $buffer = '';
open my $handle, '>', \$buffer;
local *STDERR = $handle;
require Blog;
my $blog = Blog->new;
like $buffer, qr/"routes" key must point to an ARRAY/,
'right warning about ARRAY reference';
You may need to set the environment variable MOJO_LOG_LEVEL
to warn
The way Mojo checks the level of logging is such that $ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL}
by default if using Test::Mojo) has the priority over the level set in the app.
I used version 7.59 of Mojolicious to check these things.