When we are making any transaction then we need gas for every transaction so how much gas I fixed to making successful transactions because sometimes the transaction is successful, and sometimes it gives me an error:
Error: Returned error: insufficient funds for gas * price + value
exports.sendTransactions = (sender_account, to_account, p_key, value ) => {
console.log("sendTRansactions", sender_account, to_account , p_key , value );
var admin = sender_account;
var contract_address = to_account;
var tx = {
from: admin,
to: contract_address,
gas: 184000,
data: "",
value: value
return web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, p_key).then((hash) => {
return web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(hash.rawTransaction).then((receipt) => {
return receipt
}, (error) => {
return error
// reject(500);
}, (error) => {
return error
// reject(500);
I just made gas is in string example: gas: '184000',
and it working for me.