I have a webform page where user submits its query. On form submission a confirmation mail is sent to the user and admin. I have installed the Custom Webform Comment module through which user and admin both can comment and change the status in the form, now I want to send mail on each comment and status change to both admin and user.
I have tried using Webform Rules module but it is not working. The module is not sending mail
Is there any other way or module(s) through which I can send mail to the user?
Webform version 7.x-4.15
Thanks in advance :)
I resolved the above issue by inserting hook_mail code in my Custom Webform Comment module.
In case anyone else is facing the same issue here is the code which I inserted in the custom_webform_comments.module file.
* Implements hook_mail().
function custom_webform_comments_mail($key, &$message, $params) {
switch($key) {
case 'custom_webform_comments_email':
$message['subject'] = t('Submit Request Form update');
$message['body'][] = t('You have got a new comment and status update on your submitted form.',array('@site-name' => variable_get('site_name','example.com')));
$message['body'][] = t(variable_get('custom_webform_comments_email_text',''));
After the above line of code put the following code after the database insert query inside the function custom_webform_comments_commentform_submit() to send mail after every comment update.
function custom_webform_comments_commentform_submit($form, $form_state) {
$fv = $form_state['values'];
$insert1 = db_insert('custom_webform_comments')
'cid' => NULL,
'comment' => $fv['addnew']['comment'],
'subject' => $fv['addnew']['subject'],
'nid' => $fv['addnew']['nid'],
'sid' => $fv['addnew']['sid'],
'commenter_user_id' => $fv['addnew']['commenter_user_id'],
'comment_parent' => '0',
'ts' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
global $user;
$params = array(
'body' => $message,
'subject' => 'Website Information Request',
$message = drupal_mail('custom_webform_comments', 'custom_webform_comments_email', $user->mail, language_default(), $params, '[email protected]', TRUE);
if (!empty($message['result'])) {
watchdog('mail', 'Mail sent Successfully (from %from to %to) for comment update', array('%from' => $message['from'], '%to' => $message['to']), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
//drupal_set_message("Mail sent!");
watchdog('mail', 'Error sending e-mail (from %from to %to).', array('%from' => $message['from'], '%to' => $message['to']), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
drupal_set_message(t('Unable to send e-mail. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists.'), 'error');
return $insert1;
Similarly to get mail on every status update, update the following function.
function custom_webform_comments_status_dbupdater($data) {
global $user;
//Insert values into database
$insert = db_insert('custom_webform_submission_status')
'id' => NULL,
'status' => $data['status'],
'submit_time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'nid' => $data['nid'],
'sid' => $data['sid'],
'user' => serialize($user)
global $user;
$params = array(
'body' => $message,
'subject' => 'Website Information Request',
$message = drupal_mail('custom_webform_comments', 'custom_webform_comments_email', $user->mail, language_default(), $params, '[email protected]', TRUE);
if (!empty($message['result'])) {
watchdog('mail', 'Mail sent Successfully (from %from to %to) for status update', array('%from' => $message['from'], '%to' => $message['to']), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
//drupal_set_message("Mail sent!");
watchdog('mail', 'Error sending e-mail (from %from to %to).', array('%from' => $message['from'], '%to' => $message['to']), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
drupal_set_message(t('Unable to send e-mail. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists.'), 'error');
return $insert;