I'm creating an AngularJS component
var notificationComponent = {
templateUrl: "notification.html",
controller: ['$rootScope', notificationController],
bindings: {
visible: "="
I want to use in HTML like below:
<notification visible="$rootScope.showNotification"></notification>
Basically I want to control 'visible' property from any other component as true or false.
I tried achieving this by maintaining a variable in $rootScope
named showNotification. But if I modify its value from any other component like:
$rootScope.showNotification = true;
Its not changing the 'visible' property value.
As per my understanding following code does a two way binding in AngularJS component.
bindings: {
visible: "="
Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?
It should $root
in view to access $rootScope
<notification visible="$root.showNotification"></notification>