This question follows the problem in question: How to read two lines from a file and create dynamics keys in a for-loop?
But, the nature of the problem has evolved to certain complexity that I want to address.
Below is the structure of my data separated by space.
chr pos M1 M2 Mk Mg1 F1_hybrid F1_PG F1_block S1 Sk1 S2 Sj
2 16229767 T/T T/T T/T G/T C|T 1|0 726 . T/C T/C T/C
2 16229783 C/C C/C C/C A/C G|C 0|1 726 G/C G/C G/C C|G
2 16229992 A/A A/A A/A G/A G|A 1|0 726 A/A A/A A/A A|G
2 16230007 T/T T/T T/T A/T A|T 1|0 726 A|T A|T A|T A|T
2 16230011 G/G G/G G/G G/G C|G 1|0 726 G/C C|G C|G G/C
2 16230049 A/A A/A A/A A/A T|A 1|0 726 A|T . A/T A/T
2 16230174 . . . C/C T|C 1|0 726 C|T T|C T|C C|T
2 16230190 A/A A/A A/A A/A T|A 1|0 726 T|G G|T T|G T|G
2 16230260 A/A A/A A/A A/A G|A 1|0 726 G/G G/G G/G G/G
there are two major categories of data in the above file. Data from Group M
have sample name starting with M, and similarly group S
that has several columns names starting with S.
And there is a hybrid column (represented by F1_hybrid).
the data is the string along the position line. The F1_hybrid is phased with pipe (|) distinguishing the two letters. So, the two strings values from F1 are C-G-G-A-C-T-T-T-G
, while another string value is T-C-A-T-G-A-C-A-A. One of this string is from M-group while the other is from S-group but I need to do some statistical analyses to do so. However, I can tell that visually that T-C-A-T-G-A-C-A-A string most likely came from M-group.
I read the first line and create a unique keys using the column information.
Then I read the second and 3rd line and the values in F1_hybrid, which is C|T with G|C. Now, I need to calculate how many GgC (explained as G given C) vs. CgT (C given T) exist between M-group vs. S group.
Then read 3rd (G|C) with 4th (G|A) line in F1_hybrid. So, the states are GgG and AgC. Similarly, I now count have many GcG vs. AgC exist in M vs. S group.
Therefore, I am trying to build a Markov-model
which counts the number of state for a phased string from F1 and taking the observed counts in group M
vs group S
I am now explaining, how to count the number of any XgY (X given Y) based on F1_hyrbid:
Condition 01:
The M1
sample has state as (T/T with C/C) for 2nd and 3rd line. since the separator is a slash (/) and not pipe (|) we cannot tell which exact state M1-sample is in. But, we can create combination matrix (for previous state with present state)
Now, we can tell that there are 4 total CgT
and we keep doing the same matrix if this condition meets.
Condition 02
Same is the case for other samples from Group M, except for Mg1 where the G/T is preceeding A/C. So, the matrix is:
So, here we observed 1 count of CgT.
Condition 03:
But, if the earlier state - present state are phased by pipe in both states (like A|T at position 16230007 with C|G at position 16230011 for sample Sk1) we can do a direct count of phase state of observed state at that position, that there are only CgA and GgT, so count of CgT is 0.
Condition 04: If one of the state has pipe (|) but other has slash (/), the condition will be same as both state having slash.
Condition 05: If any of the previous_state or present_state is period(.) the observation count is automatically zero (0) for the state expected from F1_hybrid.
So, the expected output should be something like this:
pos M1 M2 Mk Mg1 H0 H1 S1 Sk1 S2 Sj
16..9783 4-CgT 4-CgT 4-CgT 1-CgT GgC CgT 0 1-CgT 1-CgT 1-CgT
16..9992 4-AgC 4-AgC 4-AgC 2-AgC GgG AgC 1-AgC 1-AgC 1-AgC 1-AgC,1-GgG
16..0007 4-TgA 4-TgA 4-TgA 1-AgG,1-TgA AgG TgA 2-TgA 2-TgA 2-TgA1 1-TgA
Or, the values in dictionary format for each column would equally work. Something like ['4-CgT','4-CgT','4-CgT','4-CgT']
for first M1 at position 16..9783 and same for other.
The question is a bit old, but interesting because you have a very clear specification and you need help to write the code. I will expose a solution following a top-down approach, which is a very well known method, using plain old python. It shouldn't be difficult to adapt to pandas.
The top-down approach means to me: if you don't know how to write it, just name it!
You have a file (or a string) as input, and you want to output a file (or a string). It seems quite simple, but you want to merge pairs of rows to build every new row. The idea is:
You don't know for now how to write the generator of rows. You don't know either how to build a new row for each pair. Don't stay blocked by the difficulties, just name the solutions. Imagine you have a function get_rows
and a function build_new_row
. Let's write this:
def build_new_rows(f):
"""generate the new rows. Output may be redirected to a file"""
rows = get_rows(f) # get a generator on rows = dictionaries.
r1 = next(rows) # store the first row
for r2 in rows: # for every following row
yield build_new_row(r1, r2) # yield a new row built of the previous stored row and the current row.
r1 = r2 # store the current row, which becomes the previous row
Now, examine the two "missing" functions: get_rows
and build_new_row
The function get_rows
is quite easy to write. Here's the main part:
header = process_line(next(f))
for line in f:
yield {k:v for k,v in zip(header, process_line(line))}
where process_line
just splits the line on space, e.g. with a re.split("\s+", line.strip())
The second part is build_new_row
. Still the top-down approach: you need to build H0 and H1 from your expected table, and then to build the count of H1 for every M and S according to the conditions you exposed. Pretend you have a pipe_compute
function that compute H0 and H1, and a build_count
function that builds the count of H1 for every M and S:
def build_new_row(r1, r2):
"""build a row"""
h0, h1 = pipe_compute(r1["F1_hybrid"], r2["F1_hybrid"])
# initialize the dict whith the pos, H0 and H1
new_row = {"pos":r2["pos"], "H0":h0, "H1":h1}
for key in r1.keys():
if key[0] in ("M", "S"):
new_row[key] = build_count(r1[key], r2[key], h1)
return new_row
You have almost everything now. Take a look at pipe_compute
: it's exactly what you have written in your condition 03.
def pipe_compute(v1, v2):
"""build H0 H1 according to condition 03"""
xs = v1.split("|")
ys = v2.split("|")
return [ys[0]+"g"+xs[0], ys[1]+"g"+xs[1]]
And for buid_count
, stick to the top-down approach:
def build_count(v1, v2, to_count):
"""nothing funny here: just follow the conditions"""
if is_slash_count(v1, v2): # are conditions 01, 02, 04 true ?
c = slash_count(v1, v2)[to_count] # count how many "to_count" we find in the 2 x 2 table of condtions 01 or 02.
elif "|" in v1 and "|" in v2: # condition 03
c = pipe_count(v1, v2)[to_count]
elif "." in v1 or "." in v2: # condition 05
return '0'
raise Exception(v1, v2)
return "{}-{}".format(c, to_count) # n-XgY
We are still going down. When do we have is_slash_count
? Two slashes (conditions 01 and 02) or one slash and one pipe (condition 04):
def is_slash_count(v1, v2):
"""conditions 01, 02, 04"""
return "/" in v1 and "/" in v2 or "/" in v1 and "|" in v2 or "|" in v1 and "/" in v2
The function slash_count
is simply the 2 x 2 table of conditions 01 and 02:
def slash_count(v1, v2):
"""count according to conditions 01, 02, 04"""
cnt = collections.Counter()
for x in re.split("[|/]", v1): # cartesian product
for y in re.split("[|/]", v2): # cartesian product
cnt[y+"g"+x] += 1
return cnt # a dictionary XgY -> count(XgY)
The function pipe_count
is even simpler, because you just have to count the result of pipe_compute
def pipe_count(v1, v2):
"""count according to condition 03"""
return collections.Counter(pipe_compute(v1, v2))
Now you're done (and down). I get this result, which is slightly different from your expectation, but you certainly have already seen my mistake(s?):
pos M1 M2 Mk Mg1 H0 H1 S1 Sk1 S2 Sj
16229783 4-CgT 4-CgT 4-CgT 1-CgT GgC CgT 0 1-CgT 1-CgT 1-CgT
16229992 4-AgC 4-AgC 4-AgC 1-AgC GgG AgC 2-AgC 2-AgC 2-AgC 1-AgC
16230007 4-TgA 4-TgA 4-TgA 1-TgA AgG TgA 2-TgA 2-TgA 2-TgA 0-TgA
16230011 4-GgT 4-GgT 4-GgT 2-GgT CgA GgT 1-GgT 1-GgT 1-GgT 1-GgT
16230049 4-AgG 4-AgG 4-AgG 4-AgG TgC AgG 1-AgG 0 1-AgG 1-AgG
16230174 0 0 0 4-CgA TgT CgA 1-CgA 0 1-CgA 1-CgA
16230190 0 0 0 4-AgC TgT AgC 0-AgC 0-AgC 0-AgC 0-AgC
16230260 4-AgA 4-AgA 4-AgA 4-AgA GgT AgA 0-AgA 0-AgA 0-AgA 0-AgA
Bonus: Try it online!
What is important is, beyond the solution to this specific problem, the method I used and which is widely used in software development. The code may be improved a lot.