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R: $ operator invalid for atomic vectors Error with POSIX

i may be missing something really obvious here, could you help me?

when i send a date object to seLocalize() function, it returns me as expected for the code that follows (i sent 14-mar-18 and returned 13-mar-18)

seLocalize <- function(dataTeste) {
    data <- as.POSIXlt(dataTeste) 
    if(data$wday != 0) {
        data <- data-86400

Although, for following the piece of code, the same test returns "Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors"

seLocalize <- function(dataTeste) {
    data <- as.POSIXlt(dataTeste)
    while(data$wday != 0) {
        data <- data-86400



  • I'm having troubles believing this is a proper problem description since that date was in a format that would not be recognized.

    > seLocalize <- function(dataTeste) {
    +     data <- as.POSIXlt(dataTeste)
    +     while(data$wday != 0) {
    +         data <- data-86400
    +     }
    +     print(data)
    + }
    > seLocalize("13-mar-18")
    Error in as.POSIXlt.character(dataTeste) : 
      character string is not in a standard unambiguous format

    So I tried sending what I thought was a possible revised function (for the somewhat obscure coercion induced error ) a proper date value for as.POSIXlt:

     seLocalize2 <- function(dataTeste) {
         data <- as.POSIXlt(dataTeste)
         while(data$wday != 0) {
             data <- as.POSIXlt(data-86400)  # coerce back to POSIXlt
    > seLocalize2("2018-03-25")
    [1] "2018-03-25 PDT"
    > seLocalize2("2018-03-29")
    [1] "2018-03-25 PDT"