I'm trying to grab the NS and A records for a list of domains I have in a table.
I've started to write this:
$domains = GetDomainsForDNS();
foreach ($domains as $domain){
$domain_id = $domain[0];
$domain = $domain[1];
$dns_records = dns_get_record($domain, DNS_NS + DNS_A);
echo $domain;
foreach($dns_records as $dns_record){
if (!$dns_record){
echo "empty";
$domains is the id and domains from the table that I want to check.
The Warnings I am getting are:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() for the later foreach
Warning: dns_get_record(): DNS Query failed for dns_get_record
By the look of it I am getting these errors when dns_get_record() does not find anything.
I am trying to mark these domains as having an issue in the database so I need a method to detect them. I've tried empty() and other methods to detect them but everything I do brings up the php warnings above.
Is this because it's a multi-dimensional array? How do I go about doing this properly.
As the format of the source array is not specified I guessed it would be similar to the array shown below - seems to work ok and very quickly returns the dns records for later processing
function GetDomainsForDNS(){
/* example dummy data */
return array(
$domains = GetDomainsForDNS();
$dns = array();
foreach( $domains as $arr ){
$id = $arr[0];
$domain = $arr[1];
/* suppress potential errors */
$records = @dns_get_record( $domain, DNS_NS + DNS_A );
/* If the query failed, throw a catchable exception */
if( empty( $records ) ) throw new Exception( sprintf( 'DNS Query failed for %s', $domain ) );
/* add records to output array or later use */
$dns[ $domain ]=$records;
}catch( Exception $e){
/* display warnings */
printf( '%s<br />', $e->getMessage() );
/* move to the next domain to check */
printf( '<pre>%s</pre>',print_r( $dns, true ) );
The output of which will be similar to
DNS Query failed for yellow-banana.com
DNS Query failed for blue-velvet-caulifower.org
[stackoverflow.com] => Array
[0] => Array
[host] => stackoverflow.com
[type] => A
[ip] =>
[class] => IN
[ttl] => 1
............ etc